Latest Church News

The latest from Grange Baptist Church

Latest Church News

Our Senior Pastor Mark is currently on Long Service Leave. He will be back on deck in early July but has left the Church in the capable hands of its other staff, leaders and all the congregation members.

As part of his Long Service Leave he is doing a pastoral exchange with Iain Morrison, pastor of Inverness Baptist in Scotland. Iain will be with us from the first Sunday in May until the first Sunday in June.

calendar dates to save

Sunday morning services at 10 am.

Come early and have a barista coffee before (orders up to 9.45).

Morning tea served after.

Regular weekly activities (except for school holidays) include:

Tuesdays - Cafe - 12.00-1.30

Wednesdays - Play Group - 9.30 - 11.15

Fridays - Creative Minds Art/Craft - 10 - 12.30

Fridays - Youth Group - 7-9 pm

Life Groups - contact leaders for information

Drop off coffee - 8.45 to 10.30 on Fridays - front of the church - for parents who are dropping off their children at school.

Upcoming church event - lunch on Sunday 5 May after the morning service - to welcome Iain and to start May Mission Month.
