Latest Church News

The latest from Grange Baptist Church

Latest Church News

calendar dates to save

Sunday morning services at 10 am.

Come early and have a barista coffee before (orders up to 9.45).

Morning tea served after.

Regular weekly activities (except for school holidays) include:

Tuesdays - Cafe - 12.00-1.30

Wednesdays - Play Group - 9.30 - 11.15

Fridays - Creative Minds Art/Craft - 10 - 12.30

Fridays - Youth Group - 7-9 pm

Life Groups - contact leaders for information

Regular church prayer gatherings - 6-7 pm - the first Sunday evening of the month has a focus on prayer (and worship).

Missions Partnerships - we have local and overseas mission partnerships and priorities. The focus for July is Baptist Care and West Care. See the Missions Noticeboard in the church entry and the photo below.
