Latest Church News

The latest from Grange Baptist Church

Latest Church News

calendar dates to save

Sunday morning services at 10 am.

Come early and have a barista coffee before (orders up to 9.45).

Morning tea served after.

Regular weekly activities (except for school holidays) include:

Tuesdays - Cafe - 12.00-1.30 (see flyer below)

Wednesdays - Play Group - 9.30 - 11.15

Fridays - Creative Minds Art/Craft - 10 - 12.30

Fridays - Youth Group - 7-9 pm

Life Groups - contact leaders for information or speak to Pastor Mark.

Regular church prayer gatherings - 6-7 pm - the first Sunday evening of the month has a focus on prayer (and worship). Next one - Sunday 1 December

Alpha has started! Not too late to join! Commences at 6.30 with dessert. See link below.

Missions Partnerships - we have local and overseas mission partnerships and priorities. The focus for December is our partnership with Baptist World Aid. See the Missions Noticeboard in the church entry.

Monday Fun Day for primary aged children on Monday 25 November was lots of fun making Christmas craft. Parents welcome. Keep it in mind for 2025!

On Friday 13 December from 5-7 pm we are joining with other churches in the area to celebrate Christmas with pony rides, sausages, donuts, face painting and the Christmas story! It's at St Agnes Anglican Church, Grange.